Reviews from players are allowed but any forms of harassment will not be tolerated. Servers found to not be following the rules will be removed and possibly banned from future advertising. Be truthful - lying about things like your age will result in a ban.Do not ask for replies via off-reddit means (email, Discord, etc.).Ads must have or at the beginning of the title in the post.Respond to an ad only if your server meets OP's requirements.
(No cracked servers, servers that allow people who do not own a genuine copy of Minecraft to play, etc.) Failure to follow this rule may result in a ban on all /r/feedthebeast subreddits. No servers that cater to cracked users.Vote Manipulation is strictly prohibited - do not ask members to upvote your ad.A network of multiple servers must be condensed into a single ad.

Reddit account must be at least 2 days old to post. When advertising, you're recommended to include the following: R/FeedTheBeast r/FeedTheBeastServers r/FeedTheBeastCrashesĭetailed rules can be found here ► Server Owners Advertise your own modded Minecraft server or place a ad.